Microelectronics expert to research and contribute to the design, synthesis, characterization, packaging, testing, reliability, security, and trustworthiness of nano-fabricated microelectronic semiconductor devices. This may include research of prototype or commercial semiconductor devices and tools, e.g., ASICs, FPGAs. This position involves close collaboration with a highly technical team of research leaders to accomplish task and program objectives, contribute technically to proposal ideation, and conceive and execute internal research efforts refining core research processes and capabilities. Responsibilities range from CAD/EDA tools development, semiconductor nano-device design, fabrication, and verification, to clean-room equipment utilization. Formal methods and other advanced algorithmic techniques will be leveraged to enable and evaluate security and trustworthiness pre and post-fabrication. The position will utilize a wide range of knowledge from semiconductor physics to micro/nano synthesis and fabrication tools, and develop novel techniques, algorithms, and tools to evaluate CAD/EDA flows, architectures, materials, and fabricated devices with new properties and features